In this article, you will come to know about SMS settings i.e SMS Opt-In and SMS Opt-out and Residencial number check.

FOR Opt-Out:

1. For SMS Opt-Out, you need to select the SMS Opt Out checkbox as shown below.

2. Once selected, the edit box should open and you need to type in the short message under SMS Opt-Out Message. and Outgoing Message fields.

These are the messages which will be sent over to the target number by replying to which you unsubscribe from receiving messages.

3. Note that there is one more checkbox called Add To Outgoing Message, On selecting this particular checkbox, the opt-out message which we have saved in the above edit box will be sent to the target otherwise it will not.

Once done, click the Submit Information button to save these settings. Once this Opt-out checkbox is selected and if you send the STOP message then Send SMS will be disabled and the Request For Opt-In button will be enabled. 

FOR Opt-In:

1. For Opt-In, the user needs to select the SMS Opt-In checkbox. 

2. On selecting this checkbox, again the edit box will open where the user can type in the desired SMS Opt-In message.

If the user replies with the START message then he will start receiving further messages.

Once you click on the Request For Opt-In button, it would send a message with the following message i.e. "Please Reply With "START" To Continue Receiving Messages From This Number." which we configured on Setting page.


Note that the Residential Number Check option will be used to check whether the number is a landline or a mobile one. 

If the checkbox is checked then only it will check whether the receiving number is residential or not.